In Our Opinion:
Well, we’ve just had the displeasure of re-reading Vollmer and Bell’s pathetic, lie-riddled bio posted on their laughable propaganda platform, the Exeter Informant.
Remember, Bell and Vollmer’s 02/28 joint announcement, written like a press release (as if they’re some sort of celebrities, please), is filled with delusions of grandeur. We all know the Exeter Informant is a pathetic partisan mouthpiece of Gardella pretending to be a respectable blog. Seriously, do they think we’re that gullible?
A few things in this “press release” caught our attention, including this gem: “he successfully ran several startups including David Leo, Spotted Lantern Fly, and Hot Shot Haulers.”

So let’s break this down – for those who don’t pay attention and don’t fact-check the “lie factory” that these illiterate fools are, you might be misled into thinking that David Vollmer is some kind of successful entrepreneur. They even use the word “startup” to falsely imply he’s a tech startup genius, which is a blatant lie.
Our research and interviews reveal the following:
- “David Leo” is nothing more than a Vollmer tax shelter LLC – not a startup, not a company, just his accountant’s scheme to reduce his taxes.
- “Spotted Lantern Fly” is an insect extermination business Vollmer ran with his wife and buddy. We’ve had reports of his wife buying chemicals and supplies for the business at Home Depot. Yeah, that’s a real tech startup, isn’t it? Idiots!
- “Hot Shot Haulers” is another shell company with no purpose, payroll, or employees – just another paper company, lightyears away from any tech startup entrepreneurship.
What’s also striking is that Vollmer and Bell conveniently forget to mention “Isolator Fitness” in their laughable press release. Vollmer was the CEO for a while before selling it at a loss. We found some choice words from employees on Glassdoor, painting Vollmer as nothing more than a bully and a business failure. Employee reviews describe him as an egomaniacal, psychotic CEO who should be locked up.
Yet another attempt to deceive the public into thinking Vollmer is respectable. He’s not. He’s an idiot. He offers no value whatsoever.
David Vollmer, the failed businessman and wannabe entrepreneur, is nothing but a liar who misrepresents his achievements and career. He’s merely a puppet of Gardella, and he has no business being in any public office position. Ever!
Finally, let’s continue make it clear that these two imbeciles have never been elected. That’s right – Exeter Township has been hijacked by a majority of non-elected supervisors – Gardella, Bell, and Vollmer – who are wreaking havoc, making catastrophic decisions, annihilating our finances, and utterly mocking the rule of law, decency, and the democratic process. They’re nothing more than high school juveniles.