Exeter Buffoon Kakistocrats Piho, Bell, Hamm, Kirscher, and Schnee suffered a humiliating defeat and are now scrambling to cover their tracks.
After 2 1/2 years in power with a 4-to-5 majority, they’ve squandered millions on frivolous lawsuits brought by a corrupt solicitor, failed to produce a balanced budget for years, and treated public property as their personal playground.
They’ve misused taxpayer dollars as their own piggy bank, and now Piho’s pathetic attempt at a “new beginning” speech won’t erase years of malicious mismanagement and the squandering of this township’s resources by these corrupt and vile individuals.
- We demand a full forensic audit of the township’s finances, especially regarding the corruption scandal surrounding the RCC.
- Schnee must be fired—he’s cost us far too much money for nothing in return.
- We need a township manager who isn’t a crony of Bell.
- Our firefighters should be volunteers; we refuse to fund nepotism and shameful lobbying for CEO pensions.
- Hoch and his wife must be dismissed immediately.
- Bell and Piho should resign in disgrace.
Hughes is out, and we’re more determined than ever.